
Cathy ConradThe Game Goes OnTHE LAUGHING MUTOID #2So/V, A/So US, 1989
Cathy ConradThe ApologyTHE LAUGHING MUTOID #4A/So US, 1989
Cathy ConradGetting a LiftTHE LAUGHING MUTOID #6A/"Bunny" [the blonde in "Gold"], So/Keiller, A/So; humor US, 1990
Susan CutterA DreamTALES FROM SPACE CITY1997 Labor Day Party story; S4; dream implied A/So, dream implied A/D, dream So/ocs, dream D/topiary bear UK, 1998.10
Susan CutterA DreamMAY KING S4; uc D/Ta, Ta/ocfs, D/ocms, D/ocf, V/ocf, D/V, dream A/D, dream D/Lauren, dream D/Ta, dream A/So/Ta, So/ocm, Ta/ocm, A/ocm, A/Ta; US, 1998.11)
Dorian GaleInterludeMAGNIFICENT TAILS, TOOA/So US, 1989
Anna GrantCause and EffectLAIDBACK SEVEN #3A/So UK, 1983.4
Leigh GrahamFlow Gently, Sweet AftonOBLAQUESTA/B, A/So US, 1989
Loulou HarrisCold RevolutionFORBIDDEN STAR #2S4; A/So UK, 1997.12
J. D. HumphriesA Knowing SmileALTERNATIVE SEVEN #6 UK, 1983A/So
IrishImpeccable TasteSTRAIGHT BLAKE'S #2A/So US, 1995
Pat JacquerieNegotiating PositionsSTRAIGHT BLAKE'S #3A/ocf, A/So US, 1996
Her and Me!!The Short StrawE-MAN-UELLE #2Ta/V, A/D/So; humor UK
Madelyn Darring (=Jeff Morris)Fire and IceTHE NAUGHTY BITSA/So mm; US, 1989
Vanessa MullenBottle of WineREBEL DESIRES #1A/V, A/So/V threeway US, 1995
Sophia MulveyThe Path Not TakenSOUTHERN LIGHTS SPECIAL #4.5B/ocf, past A/ocms, A/So, discussion of possible A/B US, 1988
Mal O'DarA Definite PossibilityAVON, ANYONE?A/So US, 1987?
Jamie Melody RandallEchoes of LoveSOUTHERN COMFORT #8.5A/B, C/J, A/So, D/G, V/Lauren, So/Ta; sequel to "Beyond the Far Horizon" US, 1994
Judith M. RollsLaurels & AshesULTRA #1S4, [post-Sand; A-Ta, A/Se, A/So UK, 1998.3
B. SassenachHe Who Laughs Last...OBLAQUESTA/V, A/So US, 1989
Calypso Romaine (=Liz Sharpe)Tempo RubatoSTRAIGHT BLAKE'S #1A/So US, 1988
Nova Salsh-KalbeInterludeSOUTHERN COMFORT #5.5A/So US, 1990
Mary Jane SmithHe/SheTHE BIG B7 ZINEA/So US, 1993
Twisted SisterWhich Way: BlueTALES FROM SPACE CITYwritten for 1996 Labor Day Party; AU S4; So/Ta, implied A/So, D/Ta UK, 1998.10
Liz A. VogelTwo for the Price of OneSTRAIGHT BLAKE'S #3So/A & V US, 1996
Fran WardIt Happened One Night at BaseLAIDBACK SEVEN #2A/So US, 1983.1
Fran WardR & RLAIDBACK SEVEN #2A/So UK, 1983.1

Last updated on 02nd of February 2003.

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