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Powerful grenade, thrown by Travis in what looked like desperation to try and stop Blake escaping from the Central Control complex on Earth. Servalan tried and failed to stop Travis using it. The ensuing explosion brought about severe structural damage, trapping Servalan, Travis and two mutoids deep within the complex. Gan was killed as a result of the explosion, although the rest of the crew escaped unharmed.



The doorway out of the dome city on Earth through which Blake went with Richie and Ravella to meet Foster. Later used by Varon and Maja, it was said to be on the north side of the city.



Part of the launch control system in Meegat's bunker on Cephlon, it enabled Avon to contact the Liberator.

In Weapon a sub-space communicator was one of the pieces of equipment taken by Coser when he fled the Federation's Weapons Development Base. It was used by Rashel to inform Blake that he and his crew were safe from IMIPAK. See also HYPERSPACE SUB-BEAM.


(B-1: REDEMPTION) - By Murray Smith

Rooms aboard the Liberator, whose presumed function, suggested by their titles and by what the crewmembers did there, was to allow greater access to the ship's main systems than was possible from the flight deck.

The only time we see and hear about these sub-control rooms is in Redemption. At the start of the episode, Gan and Vila are seen working in an unidentified sub-control room; after the attacks by the System and its (as yet unknown to the crew) takeover of the ship's systems, we see two, in particular one, identified sub-control rooms.

Gan is sent by Blake to Sub-Control Room One to check the 'power units', later reporting from there that 'Virtually all the control systems seem to be out'. This suggests that this sub-control room was an important one, dealing with the ship's power.

The sub-control room we see the most of is Four, which contains the controls for the auxiliary drive. When no isolation of it from the energy units was possible from the flight deck, Blake went to that room to perform the operation, but was attacked by a thick coiled cable.

In short, it can be assumed that the sub-control rooms performed an important function in the running of the Liberator. There were at least four, One dealing with the ship's power, Four with the auxiliary drive; but no further details were given about them. Also, no main control room was ever mentioned.




Communications device, and the means by which the solium radiation device was activated from the Federation bunker on Albian. From what Avon said, it had a range of about 10,000 miles.



A space craft drive that does not enable the ship to travel faster than light. The cryogenic capsule brought aboard Liberator was said by Avon to be fitted with a sublight drive. Wanderer K47 in Killer was described by Blake as being infraluminal, which essentially means the same thing.


(D-10: GOLD)

The processed gold on Zerok was stated by Orac to have undergone a subneutronic overlap shift, and if subjected to the stress of teleporting would turn irrevocably to dust. The subneutronic overlap shift was probably a side-effect of the processing rather than a description of the process itself.



A measure of distance in deep space. Artix reported the battle between two unidentified fleets as "five subsecs" away "on the high-D grid". Leylan asked him to plot a course round, at least three subsecs away from the outer edge of the battle. Subsecs were never referred to again in the series: they may have been equivalent to spacials, or something else entirely (possibly subdivisions of a parsec - 3.262 light years - but this is pure conjecture). The London was an old ship and may have been fitted with antiquated detector equipment, using an obsolete scale.



Means of underground transport on UP-Death-Watch. Deeta and Max travelled in a VIP shuttle.



Inhabitants of the unnamed planet on which Avalon was working when captured by Travis. One died during a test of the virus with which Travis planned to eliminate Blake and his crew. About a dozen working with Avalon were wiped out by mutoids, including Terloc, who had informed Travis of the meeting place. The only survivor was Chevner, who acquitted himself well in helping Blake rescue "Avalon" but was killed aboard Liberator, probably because he might discover (or actually had discovered) that 'Avalon' was in fact an android.

Avon referred to the Subterrons as "humanoid creatures", but Travis requested "a human" to test the modified Delta 706 virus.

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